Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.


Kingswood Place Assisted Living Community in Surprise AZ.

Stitched by Pat P; finished by Shari and Rachel AZ

Tissue Covers Select

Kingswood 4 on 4/9/24

Stitched by unknown, Pat P, Pat P, Donna B; finished by Rachel AZ; tulip,daisies, dill to Kingswood 7/2/24

Stitched by Donna B; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Katie H; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Katie H; finished by Rachel AZ ; blue/green cards to Kingswood 7/2/24

Stitched by Katie H; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Flag Pillow Select

Stitched by Margo; quilted by Rachel AZ, binding Shari R

Stitched by: center camper Peggy G, all others Pat P; quilted by Rachel AZ, bindingShari R

Stitched by: Row 1: all Pat P Row 2: Gloria M,Pat P, Tristy Row 3: Donna B,Donna B,Pat P,Pat P Row 4: all Donna B Row 5: Donna B, Donna B. Donna B,Marcia Row 6: Marcia, Donna B, Donna B Row 7: Gloria M,Gloria M,Gloria M,Marcia  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gena;quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M ; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by  Sharon T; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Margo ; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1: Twig,Carolyn B,Twig Row 2: Carolyn B, Tristy, Marcia, Carolyn B  Row 3: Kathy V, Marcia, Kathy V Row 4: Kathy V, Kathy V, Gloria M, Gloria M Row 5: Gloria M,Gloria M, Gloria M Row 6: Gloria M, Gloria M, Gloria M, Kathy V Row 7: Gloria M, Twig, Mary C; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Katie H; finished by Rachel AZ

Donated by LeAnne Gardner; finished by Rachel AZ & Shari R

Stitched by:   finished by Rachel AZ & Shari R

Stitched by Pat P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Star Joy, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Star Joy, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Marcia M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Linda C; finished by Shari and Rachel AZ

Stitched by Courtney; finished by Rachel AZ

All pieces stitched by Gloria M; quilted by Carolyn

All stitched by Gloria M; quilted by Carolyn

Stitched by Row 1 Pat, Kathy V, Anita Row 2 Kathy V, Kathy V, Lynn W Row 3 Anita, Kathy V, Pat; top sewn by Rachel AZ; quilted by Carolyn

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

reindeer Select

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Laura C; finished by Shari and Rachel AZ

Stitched by Laura C; finished by Shari and Rachel AZ

Stitched by Laura C; finished by Shari and Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1-Pat P, Marcia M, Margo, Pat P; Row 2- all Margo; Row 3- all Margo; Row 4- all Margo; Row 5- all Margo; Row 6- all Pat P; Row 7- Margo, Margo, Pat P, Margo. Quilted by Rachel AZ, binding by Shari

Stitching and fabric by Gena; quilted by Rachel AZ, binding by Shari

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

bkmk 02 Select

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: floral by Gloria M, others by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna B; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Katie H; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Marcia; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Brooke M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Sherry; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Patsy; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by and fabric donated by Gena; quilted by Rachel AZ;binding sewn by Shari R

Stitched by and fabric donated by Gena; quilted by Rachel AZ; binding sewn by Shari R

Stitched by Sherry; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna B; finished by Rachel AZ

Finished and stitched by Lynn FL

Stitched by Pat  P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat  P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat  P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ quilt card 11 2022

Kingswood client 4

Kingswood client 5

Stitched by top row: Pat P., Anita Bottom Row: Anita, Gloria M; sewn by Rachek AZ

Stitched by top to bottom:  Pat P., Anita, Pat P.; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Row 1: Kathy V, Gena, Gloria M Row 2: Sally S , Kathy V, Carol O, Kathleen L Row 3: Kim B, Gloria M, Pat P Row 4: Carol O, Kathy V, Kathy V , Gena Row 5: Pat P, Kim B, Sally S Row 6: Gena , Sally S, Sally S, Pat P Row 7: Kathleen L, Cindy K, Pat P  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M , finished by Rachel in AZ

Stitched by Margo , finished by Rachel in AZ

Stitched by Susan P ; finished by Rachel in AZ

Stitched by unknown, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitching Row 1: Kathy V, Anita, Anita ; Row 2: Mary Z, Kathy V, Carol O; Row 3: Kathy V, Kathy V, Carolyn B ; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1 Margo, Anita, Anita, Margo Row 2 all by Pat P.  Row 3 all by Anita; quilted by Rachel AZ

navy gingham Select

Donated stitching; finished by Rachel AZ

moose062022 Select

Stitched by Susan P AK (Rachel's sister), finished by Rachel AZ  Lower card to Providence 09082022

Stitched by Julie NE; finished by Rachel AZ

flowergirrls Select

Stitched by Susan P AK (Rachel's sister), finished by Rachel AZ Purple card to Providence 09082022

Row 1:  Cheryl,  Marcia,  Mary

Row 2:  Mary,  Carolyn,  Cheryl

Row 3:  Carol, Peggy,  Pat P.

Row 1:  Lynn,  Peggy,  Jean

Row 2:  Carol,  Marcia,  Lynn

Row 3:  Elena,  Peggy,  Sandy

Row 1:  Mary,  Carolyn,  Peggy

Row 2:  Marcia,  Carol,  Mary

Row 3:  Carolyn,  Mary,  Kathy

Photo located in finished Easter cards 2022 by Pat P.

Stitched by Margo, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Kathleen; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Dona R; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1:Carolyn, Carolyn, Carol O Row 2: Carolyn, Jean, Peggy Row 3: Carol O,Carol O, Carolyn; fabric donated; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Peggy; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita TX; sewn by Rachel in AZ

Stitched by Anita TX; sewn by Rachel in AZ

Stitched by Gloria M ; finished by Rachel AZ

bookmark Select

Stitcher unknown, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Tammie J; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched byAnita TX; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita TX; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Kathleen; finished by Rachel AZ  (butterfly will be donated to Providence Place)

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Margo; quilted by Rachel Az

Stitched by: row 1 Carolyn B, Kathy V, Gloria M row 2 Carolyn B, Gloria M, Elena row 3 Peggy FL, Gloria M, Carolyn B; fabric donated by Shari; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Marcia M, Pat P, Pat P, Pat P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P., Marcia M, Gloria M, and finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P, Marcia M, Ann L, Marcia M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Begonia; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Row 1:Anne MI, Marcia TX, Kathy FL; Row 2: all Marcia TX; Row 3: Kathy FL,Marcia TX, Anne P. quilted by Rachel AZ, red fabric donated Margo's friend and back fabric by Anita

Nutmeg Stitchers Chapter of EGA

Afghans Select
Birdhouse Tin Select
Bowling Tin Select
Flower Tin Select
Pears Coaster Select
Cat Coasters Select
Cat Coasters Select
spoolbkmk Select

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna B, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna B, finished by Rachel Az

Stitched by Donna B, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 2: Anne P, Julie, Anne P Row 2: Julie, Anne P, Julie Row 3: Anne P, Carol HI, Anne P  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1:  Pat P, Diane W, Patsy Row 2: Diane W, Pat P, Diane W. Row 3: Carolyn B, Sharon T, Pat P,  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1: Sandy S, Gloria M, Gloria M, Gloria M Row 2: Gloria M, Marcia M, Gloria M Row 3: Gloria M, Marcia M, Gloria M, Gloria M Row 4: Marcia M, Gloria M, Marcia M Row 5: Patsy, Gloria M, Marcia M. Sandy S Row 6: Sandy S, Marcia M, Gloria M Row 7: Gloria M, Sandy S, Gloria M, Gloria M  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Marcia M, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Erin, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1: Gena M, Gena M, Lynn, Wendy Row 2: Lynn, Kathy V, Gena M Row 3: Twig, Gena M, Donna B, Gena M Row 4: Gena M, Lynn, Gena M Row 5: Gloria M, Vicki K, Gloria M, Carol O Row 6: Jean B, Twig, Gena M Row 7: Gena M, Vicki K, Gena M, Gena M  quilted by Rachel AZ


Stitched by:  Row 1: Gloria M, Pat P, Erin, Anita Row 2: Gena M, Marcia M, Marcia M Row 3: Pat P, Pat P, Twig, Marcia M  Row 4: Gena M, Anita, Pat P Row 5: Donna B, Marcia M, Donna B, Gloria M Row 6: Pat P, , Pat P Row 7: Donna b, Pat P, Pat P, Gena M quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Doris R; finished by Rachel AZ  used for card for quilt


Stitching by Mary Z; finishd by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1 Katye, Row 2 Teresa, Julie Row 3 Peggy, Carolyn, Donna, Row 4 Teresa, Vicki K Row 5 Linda Mae  Quilted by: Rachel AZ

Stitched by Mary Z, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M, Finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M, finished by Rachel AZ

All Stitched by Marcia except 2 candles with red bow by Gloria M, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P. quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1  Gloria M, Donna B, Row 2: Gloria M, Gloria M ; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Row 1:  Row 2:  finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M, Finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1: all by Gloria M; Row 2: Patsy IL, Lynn FL, Carolyn MO; Row 3: Rachel AZ, Gloria M, Lisa PA;  sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna B; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Twig; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitching Row 1: Lynne S, Twig, Lynn W, Mary Z Row 2: All Julie Row 3: Twig, Julie, Lynn W, Mary Z Row 4: Rachel AZ,Sandy S, Peggy FL Row 5: Katye, Twig, Gloria M, Gloria M Row 6: all Gloria M Row 7: Twig, Gloria M, Wendy, Wendy; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita; sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Row 1: Vicki K, Twig NM, Gloria M, Peggy G Row 2: Sandy MO, Twig NM, Rachel AZ Row 3: Elena, Vicki K, Carol HI, Lynn W Row 4: ,Twig NM, Twig NM Row 5: Julie NE,Twig NM,Julie NE, Twig NM Row 6: Twig NM,Rachel AZ, Donna B Row 7: Vicki K, Twig NM, Vicki K, Carol HI .  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria S, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitching by Pat P.; sewn by Rachel AZ

stitched by: flower-Nancy,cat-Jean B.; sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M ; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Elena J; finished by Rachel AZ

finished by katye, stitched by : Aztec Bird, cat, World by Donna B, butterfly by Linda Mae

finished by katye, stitched by : dog Gloria M, guitar Linda Mae, camel and scottie Donna B

Stitching by Gena CA, quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched and finished by Anita

Stitched and finished by Anita

Stitched and finished by Anita

Stitched and finished by Anita

Stitched by Mary Z;finished by Rachel AZ

Top row: Donna B, Gloria M;  Bottom row: Donna B, Peggy; finished by Rachel AZ

Top: Rachel AZ, Gloria M; Middle: Donna B; Bottom: Elena,Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Genny (donated), sewn by Rachel

Stitched by Anita, sewn by Rachel

Stitched by Donna MD, finished by Rachel AZ

Mailed to Rachel

Stitching and fabric donated by Anita; quilted by Rachel AZ

Mailed to Rachel

Stitching by Jan B, quilted by Rachel AZ

Top sewn and fabrics donated by Margo; stitched by  Row 1 Mary Z, Carol HI, Mary Z Row 2: Yuliana, Margo, Nancye Row 3: Mary Z, Carol HI, Cathy L  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Anita, finished by Rachel AZ

dogcard043019 Select

Stitched by Anita, finished by Rachel AZ


Stitched by Row 1: Katye, Elizabeth E, Kathy FL Row 2: Vicki K, Nancye, Mary Z Row 3: Lynn W, Donna B, Sue S  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Jan B; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna MD, finished by Rachel AZ

Row 1: Gloria M, Donna B, Gloria M, Vicki WI Row 2: Donna B, Twig, Vicki K Row3: Gloria M, Donna B, Vicki WI, Vicki WI  Row 4: Vicki WI, Gloria M, Rachel AZ  Row 5: Twig, Rachel AZ, Gloria M, Gloria M Row 6: Carol HI, Twig, Donna B Row 6: Gloria M, Vicki WI, Gloria M, Twig  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Margo AZ; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitching and fabrics by Anita; quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched and finished by Anita

Stitched by Donna B; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Row 1: Patsy IL, Carolyn MO, Carol HI  Row 2: Carolyn MO, Patsy IL, Doris R IA  Row 3: Vicki WI, Elena CA, Peggy FL;  Quilted by Rachel AZ


Stitched by Donna B; sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by:Row 1: Row 1: Donna B, Dona R, Donna B Row 2: Twig, Peggy, Twig Row 3: Elena, Twig, Linda Mae  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1: Gena M, Gena M, Nancye  Row 2: Gena M, Gena M, Margo AZ, Row 3: Margo AZ, Gena M, Margo AZ  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria S; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Donna MD, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitching by Sue S; quilted by Rachel AZ

Quilted by Rachel AZ, stitched by:

Row 1: Patsy, Gloria M, Vicki WI, Julie

Row 2: Gloria M, Twig, Gloria M

Row 3: Gloria M, Julie NE, Twig, Vicki WI

Row 4: Gloria M, Vicki WI, Gloria M

Row 5: Vicki WI, Patsy, Julie NE, Gloria M

Row 6: Julie NE, Rachel AZ, Gloria M

Row 7: Gloria M, Rachel AZ, Twig, Gloria M


Stitched by Twig, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Harriet, sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitcher unknown.  Quilted by Shari in AZ.  Stitching bought at Goodwill.  Was very intrigued by the design and quality of the work.  Learned through Wikipedia that this ship was in the fleet of Henry the Eighth

Stitched by: Row 1: Begonia, Donna B, Begonia Row 2: Mary Z, Priscilla, Gloria M Row 3: Margo, Begonia, Margo  Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Top row:Gloria M, Margo Bottom Row:Margo, Gloria M  Sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by: Row 1: Mary Z, Mary Z, Sandy MO Row 2: Rachel AZ, Margo, Kathy FL Row 3: Gloria M, Gloria M, Gloria M Quilted by Rachel AZ


Stitched by Linda Mae; sewn by Rachel AZ

Quilted by Rachel AZ  Stitched by:

Row 1: Lynette UK, Peggy G FL, Carol HI

Row 2: Harriet NJ, Rachel AZ, Katye OH

Row 3: Harriet NJ, Nancye, Lynette UK

Stitched and sewn by Shari R

Flower Card Select

Stitched by:
Row 1: Vicki K, Mary Z

Row 2: Priscilla, Begonia, Gena

Row 3: Mary Z, Margo

Row 4: Sandy S, Jan R, Jan R

Row 5: Patsy, Carolyn B

Quilted by Rachel AZ

Stitched and finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched and finished by Rachel AZ

Row 1:Wendy, Carolyn. Carolyn  Row 2: Vicki, Mary Z, Peggy G Row 3:Harriet, Katye, Mary Z

Quilted by Rachel AZ


Row 1: Sandy S, Vicki K, Rachel AZ  Row 2: Mary Ann KCMO, Margo, Carolyn B  Row 3: Lynette, Jan R, Patsy

Quilted by Rachel AZ