Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.


Kingswood Place Assisted Living Community in Surprise AZ.

Kingswood client 4

Kingswood client 5

Stitched by Gloria M ; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Tammie J; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched byAnita TX; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Kathleen; finished by Rachel AZ  (butterfly will be donated to Providence Place)

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Kathleen; finished by Rachel AZ

Pears Coaster Select
Afghans Select
Birdhouse Tin Select
Bowling Tin Select
Flower Tin Select
Cat Coasters Select
Cat Coasters Select

stitched by: flower-Nancy,cat-Jean B.; sewn by Rachel AZ

Resident with gift pillow

Recipient with quilt