Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.

Providence Place at Glencroft

Providence Place at Glencroft, 8641 North 67th Ave, Glendale, AZ 

Providence Place at Glencroft is a 225 bed facility, part of a continuing care retirement community that participates in medicare and medicaid.   Kaitlynn Stephens, Resident Services Specialist

Stitched by Gena; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Susan P; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Pat P. finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Wynne, sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M and Peggy FL; sewn by Rachel AZ

Rescued from a flea market, sewn by Rachel

Shark,turtle,pink fish stitched by Mary Z; orange fish stitched by and pillow sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitching by Katye, sewn by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Kristin Y, finished by Rachel AZ

Stitching by Margo; sewn by Rachel AZ