Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.

Asbury Place, Pensacola FL
This is an assisted living facility.

Stitched by: Nutmeg Stitchers Chapter of EGA, finished by Rachel in AZ

Geo Bookmark Select
Red Gladolia Select

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

finished by katye, stitched by: turtle Donna B, mushrooms Gloria M, bike Linda Mae

Bookmarks Select

Stitched and finished by Teresa P

Stitched and finished by Teresa P

Stitched and finished by Teresa P

Stitched and finished by Kathy FL

received by Peggy 

Dianne D

Stitched and finished by Pamela H

Stitched and finished by Pamela H

Received by Peggy 2/26/18

Lighthouse Select