Donated Gifts

These are organizations or charities that have received our gifts.

Favor House, Pensacola, FL
This is a domestic violence shelter program for women and their children.
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Bookmarks Select

Stitched by Gloria M. finished by Gloria S

Stitched by Gloria M. finished by Gloria S

Stitched by Brooke M; finished by Rachel AZ

Bookmarks Select
Bookmarks Select

Stitched and finished by Shari R

Stitched and finished by Teresa P

Stitched and finished by Teresa P

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

Stitched by Gloria M; finished by Rachel AZ

finished by katye, stitched by : robot Linda Mae, clown Gloria M, squid Donna B

Frog Select